Public Education

With fewer than half of our children ready for Kindergarten in the Commonwealth, we are setting up our children for failure from an early age. I believe in strong early childhood education, fully funding our public schools, and investing in our technical trades, colleges and universities, as well as public libraries. We must also care for the educators and administrators who help build our workforce of tomorrow. Education is the best investment we can make in the future of Kentucky!

Gun Safety

Gun violence is the leading cause of death for children in the United States, and we must do better. While I support an individual’s right to own guns, I believe that guns must be stored safely, and we should identify a way for loved ones to remove weapons from anyone who is experiencing crisis. My children have grown up with active shooter drills at their schools, and we must find a way where all people can feel safe and secure in their environments.

Renewable Energy

Kentucky should gradually move toward clean energy, investing in research and development of renewable energy sources to ensure we continue to meet our energy needs while also building our economy.

Women’s Rights

Women, like me, should have full autonomy over their own bodies. They should be able to choose when, where, and how they build their families so that they are emotionally, financially, and physically able to carry and care for their children. Women are also a vital piece of our workforce, who deserve to be compensated fairly for equal work. We must also invest in quality and affordable child care, which benefits our children, women, and working families.

Affordable Housing in Lexington

Affordable housing is a major challenge in Lexington, as it is throughout the country. We must intentionally build more housing options for all economic levels, ensuring that affordable housing measures are also connected to public resources like transit and social services. While doing so, we must also take care to maintain the unique character of Central Kentucky that we all love.

Criminal Justice Reform

I believe in a justice system that helps individuals to rebuild and refocus their lives. Education, felony expungement, and voting rights restoration are key elements in helping those who have been incarcerated to find meaningful employment and quality of life upon reentry. We must also look at the structural inequities in our criminal justice system and build more youth opportunities to prevent crime. Great examples locally include the Mayor’s Partners for Youth and One Lexington violence prevention organizations.

Racial & Social Justice

Last year, I had the opportunity to organize, research, and promote the Undesign the Redline exhibit at the Lexington Public Library, which explored red lining, restrictive covenants, and other instances of institutionalized racism. I became better informed about the issues, including source of funding discrimination in housing, the need for criminal justice reform, and the lack of representation in our government for our black and brown neighbors.

I stand with our LGBTQ+ community and have continually fought for fairness throughout my career. In Frankfort, I have battled against book bans (which disproportionately affect LGBTQ+ and racial minority groups) and other discriminatory policies and have worked to create safe spaces for all people in our public libraries, parks, and schools.

Our government should work for all people because we are stronger together. I am committed to championing youth development, equitable housing, fair financial practices, and economic opportunities for all people so that we can build a more inclusive and welcoming society.

Voting Rights

Championing voting rights, I believe in removing barriers to ensure every voice is heard. During COVID, I helped leverage our libraries as accessible voting centers, enhancing voter safety, early voting, and overall participation. This initiative underscores my commitment to democracy by making voting more convenient and reaffirming the library's role as a community pillar.  I also support felony expungement and the restoration of voting rights. 


My father was a longtime physician in Lexington, and my sister is now a community-based provider in Louisville.  I support comprehensive healthcare reform aimed at expanding access, reducing costs, and improving quality. Advocating for universal healthcare coverage, my focus is on preventive care, mental health services, and lowering prescription drug prices to ensure that all Kentuckians have the healthcare they need and deserve, regardless of their financial status.  We must also ensure that people across the Commonwealth have access to quality primary care providers and more equitable health outcomes for all.